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Saviour Gundam: Imperfect MA



Inspired by a macross image....

The transformed version of Saviour. I made a "Saviour Rising" devation when I first came to DA. This is sort of a new play on it. Perhaps it's not much better, but I thought that separating the transformed MA and the humanoid Mobile Suit into different deviations would be better than combining them. Didn't come out that great. Might have to add some missiles, incoming what's its to make it more festive looking.

While I did my best to follow the 1/100 (making tons of guesses based on pics on the net) I took a lot of liberties on it based on what I knew about it's "history" and its "lineage". Hence the transformation itself is "Imperfect" as it relies on a lot of parts that don't necessarily facilitate the transformation shown in the anime or in the plastic versions.

Anyway, I thought about how it might look in color and gave it a whirl. The most bothersome part is the color of the MA itself, as pink/red seem somewhat easy to see. I had mentioned on my blog that a "low visibility" version might be better, but I didn't act on it. I did try to cut it out a bit in photoshop but it doesn't look that great. I may come back to this (I think I say that alot).

Software: Lightwave (modeling, rendering), Photoshop (UV texturing, tossing everything together), Hexagon2 ( UV's)

Gundam is (c) Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
Image size
742x1000px 277.03 KB
© 2008 - 2024 sandrum
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LordSpleach's avatar
Imperfect? That's the Aegis.